Does your partner’s sleeping habits affect you and keep you up at night? Does he seem to have a sleep disorder or does he find it uncomfortable to sleep in your bedroom? If so, then chances are you may not be sleeping too well at night either. When one partner is unable to sleep well, the other can be affected and this can also affect the relationship as it is a big issue that must be given attention. Interrupted sleep can lead to irritability, fatigue and eventually put strain in a relationship, this is why it is essential that the issue is addressed immediately.
Save Your Relationship
There is a possibility that your partner may even deny the fact that he is having a sleeping problem and this can make the process of correcting it difficult. You must be determined and take the steps to address it, because you may end up tossing and turning as well in the long run. Sleeping on the couch is not going to help either, so have your partner understand the seriousness of the problem. After all, your relationship is not the only one at risk, as health conditions can also arise when one does not get the proper help needed.
What You Can Do
Here are a few steps you can take to solve the problem. Though there may be occasions when you will feel like giving up, remember that you must keep on trying because there will be no one else to help your partner with his sleep problems.
1. Discuss The Problem
Communication is healthy is every relationship. To avoid disagreements or arguments, you can discuss the problem with him openly. Do not be afraid of his denial, but you must expect it as well. Talk to him about how you watch and listen to him at night as he tosses and turns. Describe how he sleeps and how it affects his personality and behavior the following day. If you have to videotape him sleeping, then do it. Some spouses only believe the seriousness of the problem when they see it with their own eyes.
2. Make Your Bedroom Comfortable
In certain cases, the main cause for sleepless nights is the bedroom. Some find their bedroom uncomfortable to sleep in. The first thing you must look at is the mattress. Some mattresses are too soft and springy for couples that the slightest movement can cause a serious reaction. You can shop around for firm mattresses and even try them out at the store before making a purchase to make sure that both of you feel comfortable sleeping in it. Make necessary changes to the lighting in your bedroom, add window treatments and eliminate noise that can affect sleep. If you have a television in your room, move it to the living room and replace it with a stereo where you can play soothing music to encourage sleep.
3. Seek Professional Help And Have Patience
When you are dealing with a sleeping problem, you must never rush into getting immediate results depending on the situation. For serious sleeping issues where health is concerned and when a professional needs to be consulted, the process may take time and plenty of effort. However, for minor issues such as being comfortable in the bedroom or having a healthy bed time habit, the results can be seen quickly.
Always remember to be patient when you try to help you partner correct his sleeping disorder. The first few steps you take may seem so tiring, but getting a good night’s sleep for the nights to come will be very rewarding.
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Changes in the body clock aren’t the only reason teens lose sleep, though. Lots of people have insomnia — trouble falling or staying asleep. The most common cause of insomnia is stress. But all sorts of things can lead to insomnia, including physical discomfort (the stuffy nose of a cold or the pain of a headache, for example), emotional troubles (like family problems or relationship difficulties), and even an uncomfortable sleeping environment (a room that’s too hot, cold, or noisy).
What to do: Start off by talking to your partner about the problem. If he/she has not sought treatment for a potential sleep disorder, encourage them to see a doctor. Consider ear plugs if snoring prevents your sleep. Try to create a sleeping arrangement that is comfortable for both you and your partner. Keep the lines of communication open.