Recently I had an opportunity that I could not resist. Now, being the opportunistic optimist that I am, always believing that the sky is not the limit, but that the sky is limitless, I jumped on the bandwagon headed for success. However, when I arrived, it appeared that it may not be the miracle that I had anticipated, and, admittedly resembled a ghost town more than a metropolitan mecca.

A couple things come to mind with this experience. Things I knew but was given the opportunity to ponder and galvanize in my character and persistence in thinking positive.
That rock instead of a miracle? Turn it into a stepping stone instead of just a rock. Assess the positives of the experience and find ways to turn those positives into bigger positives. How can you use this experience to learn and grown? And, even more toward the end of success, how can you use this experience as a door opener into another experience that may be more beneficial? Does this experience help you on your resume, giving you more credibility since you experienced it? Think outside the box here. Write it down in a list. Brainstorm, allowing every thought that you have to end up on that list. There is nothing worth denying for your list. You can always filter it, crossing ideas off the list, but here is your chance to add to the list of possibilities that this stepping stone has created.
That rock instead of a miracle? Turn it into a stepping stone instead of just a rock. Assess the positives of the experience and find ways to turn those positives into bigger positives.
How do you know that this experience was not the miracle that you expected, but hidden from view, like a diamond in the rough?
Can’t say it enough, let’s learn how to think outside of the box and remember that we don’t have to be limited by our surroundings or our experiences.
Well stated and with excellent timing
Posts like this birghetn up my day. Thanks for taking the time.
That’s not just the best aswner. It’s the bestest answer!
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.